quotes, quotations, daily word, daily inspirations, positivity, positive thoughts, embrace positivity, determination, everyday life
Despite of the trials,obstacles,hindrances, difficulties and/or problems we face everyday, let us be reminded that we have a greater God who is always looking after us and who always loves all of us. 
quotes, quotations, daily word, daily inspirations, positivity, positive thoughts, embrace positivity, determination, everyday life, happiness, optimism, life, lessons, bible verses
Our mindset and our personal beliefs greatly affect how we view ourselves and our own lives. This further affects how we see ourselves to succeed (or even fail) in whatever goals we have in our lives. If we believe we can, then later we can! It's just that some do it faster than the others. Believe in yourself and do do whatever it takes for you to become what you believe you will be.

Have a great day! Spread positivity!
quotes, quotations, daily word, daily inspirations, positivity, positive thoughts, embrace positivity, determination, everyday life, happiness, optimism, life, lessons, bible verses
In life, there are choices to make. What you choose today affects what you will have tomorrow. Whatever you do today determines your tomorrow. Choose wisely each day so that in the future, when you look back, you will see the beautiful painting you have created - the results of all your actions. Make them worth remembering...start painting your own canvas today!

Have a great day! Spread positivity! 
quotes, quotations, daily word, daily inspirations, positivity, positive thoughts, embrace positivity, determination, everyday life, faith, confidence, optimism
Being happy does not mean always what you want. It is loving what you already have and being thankful about them. Only then you will feel the contentment, knowing that what you have is enough, sometimes even more than enough of what you need.

Be grateful all the time! Spread positivity!
quotes, quotations, daily word, daily inspirations, positivity, positive thoughts, embrace positivity, determination, everyday life, happiness, optimism, life, lessons, bible verses
This simple means "learn from your mistakes". We all have wounds. Some of them may be small. Some may be big. Some are very visible. Some are hidden. In time, all wounds will heal. Most of it will leave scars on us. The scars are there to remind us that "we did it!". Whatever scars we have, it is now our choice to learn from them, grow and move forward for the betterment of ourselves. 
quotes, quotations, daily word, daily inspirations, positivity, positive thoughts, embrace positivity, determination, everyday life, happiness, optimism, life, lessons, bible verses

quotes, quotations, daily word, daily inspirations, positivity, positive thoughts, embrace positivity, determination, everyday life, happiness, optimism, life, lessons

quotes, quotations, daily word, daily inspirations, positivity, positive thoughts, embrace positivity, determination, everyday life, happiness, optimism, life, lessons
The hardships add flavors to our life. Some may be bitter, some may be salty, some may be spicy, some may be sour but all of it balances the wonderful life we have. Enjoy each day of our lives while we still can! 
quotes, quotations, daily word, daily inspirations, positivity, positive thoughts, embrace positivity, determination, everyday life, happiness, optimism, life, lessons
Everything happens for a reason. The purpose may be unclear but as we mature, we learn to understand why things happen and we learn from all of them. 
quotes, quotations, daily word, daily inspirations, positivity, positive thoughts, embrace positivity, determination, everyday life, happiness, optimism
Sometimes we force ourselves to wait for something or someone who is not meant for us - without realizing that the one meant for us has already been there beside us all along. Let us learn to open our eyes and look for the door of happiness. If the doors are not open, maybe a window is already opened for us.  
quotes, quotations, daily word, daily inspirations, positivity, positive thoughts, embrace positivity, determination, everyday life, faith, confidence, optimism
Always have faith and confidence that everything will be fine. Be optimistic everyday! 
quotes, quotations, daily word, daily inspirations, positivity, positive thoughts, embrace positivity, determination, everyday life
Similar to the previous post. Focus on the bright side. Look for the good things around you. However, we must also take note that without the sunshine in our face, there will be no shadow at our back. They go together. We just need to choose which direction we must face. 
quotes, quotations, daily word, daily inspirations, positivity, positive thoughts, embrace positivity, determination, everyday life
Each situation can be turned upside down. Each day is a also chance to make each situation right. Some may take longer time but some can be done with a simple step.  
positivity, daily life, quotes, sayings, daily words, daily inspirations, daily verses, no negativity

Being positive does not mean ignoring the negative. It means overcoming the negative.
quotes, quotations, daily word, daily inspirations, positivity, positive thoughts, embrace positivity, determination, everyday life
Embrace positivity in our lives and everything else will follow. Start it today! Have a great year to all of us!